Bite of PHP: Switch Statement

Created: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 00:37:00 GMT

Time to read: 2 minutes

The "switch" statement within various languages, contains a similar structure. This makes the PHP switch statement familiar.

A failing example of PHP's switch statement was brought up yesterday at work. Someone asked why the expected responses to this were not received.


$convertQ = function ($str) {
    switch ($str) {
        case 0:
            return 'no';
        case 'No':
            return 'no';
        case 1:
            return 'yes';
        case 'Yes':
            return 'yes';
        case 'Unsure':
            return 'maybe';

            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unaccounted for value for questionnaire field: ' . $str);

var_dump($convertQ(0)); // expect 'no', get 'no'
var_dump($convertQ('No')); // expect 'no', get 'no'
var_dump($convertQ(1)); // expect 'yes', get 'no'
var_dump($convertQ('Yes')); // expect 'yes', get 'no'
var_dump($convertQ('Unsure')); // expect 'maybe', get 'no'
var_dump($convertQ('a')); // expect thrown error, get 'no'


There are several problems with this switch statement. The first being that a classic switch statement utilizes fall-through when the responses are the same. So, in this case, we can refactor this switch statement and get the same responses via:


$convertQ = function ($str) {
    switch ($str) {
        case 0:
        case 'No':
            return 'no';

        case 1:
        case 'Yes':
            return 'yes';

        case 'Unsure':
            return 'maybe';

            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unaccounted for value for questionnaire field: ' . $str);

var_dump($convertQ(0)); // expect 'no', get 'no'
var_dump($convertQ('No')); // expect 'no', get 'no'
var_dump($convertQ(1)); // expect 'yes', get 'no'
var_dump($convertQ('Yes')); // expect 'yes', get 'no'
var_dump($convertQ('Unsure')); // expect 'maybe', get 'no'
var_dump($convertQ('a')); // expect thrown error, get 'no'


The second problem with this switch statement is that PHP switch statements use loose comparison, at least as of PHP 7.0 alpha 3. To correct for this, we should try the following:


$convertQ = function ($str) {
    switch ($str) {
        case '0': // was 0, is now '0'
        case 'No':
            return 'no';

        case '1': // was 1, is now '1'
        case 'Yes':
            return 'yes';

        case 'Unsure':
            return 'maybe';

            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unaccounted for value for questionnaire field: ' . $str);

var_dump($convertQ(0)); // expect 'no', get 'no'
var_dump($convertQ('No')); // expect 'no', get 'no'
var_dump($convertQ(1)); // expect 'yes', get 'yes'
var_dump($convertQ('Yes')); // expect 'yes', get 'yes'
var_dump($convertQ('Unsure')); // expect 'maybe', get 'maybe'
var_dump($convertQ('a')); // expect thrown error, get error thrown


As can be seen, this switch statement is the same as the following. I find the switch statement in this case a slightly less clear than the if-statement.


$convertQ = function ($str) {
    if ('No' === $str || '0' == $str) {
        return 'no';

    if ('Yes' === $str || '1' == $str) {
        return 'yes';

    if ('Unsure' === $str) {
        return 'maybe';

    throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unaccounted for value for questionnaire field: ' . $str);

var_dump($convertQ(0)); // expect 'no', get 'no'
var_dump($convertQ('No')); // expect 'no', get 'no'
var_dump($convertQ(1)); // expect 'yes', get 'yes'
var_dump($convertQ('Yes')); // expect 'yes', get 'yes'
var_dump($convertQ('Unsure')); // expect 'maybe', get 'maybe'


I would like to see the switch statement use strict coupling to be useful in this use-case. I have not yet run into a time when the switch-statement is more useful than the if-statement.


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